From GDPR to e-Privacy Regulation: the new route of marketing, between present and future.
Rocco Panetta illustrates the new route of marketing traced by the GDPR, with a focus on the draft of the e-Privacy Regulation, currently being examined by the European Lawmaker. (link)
Rocco Panetta comments the Annual Report of the Garante
Rocco Panetta comments, on CorCom magazine, the Annual Report of the Garante.(link)
GDPR, the Data Protection Impact Assessment as an evaluating tool for companies
Rocco Panetta, on CorCom magazine, explains aspects and peculiarities of DPIA in the compliance process. (link)
Rocco Panetta has been interviewed by Federprivacy
Rocco Panetta has been interviewed by Federprivacy on the occasion of the 7th Privacy Day Forum. (link)
The role of the DPO as a business opportunity
Rocco Panetta, on CorCom website, explaining the aspects of the role of the DPO, gives his opinion about it considering the DPO as a business opportunity for companies. (link)
Consent under the GDPR, Rocco Panetta examines the topic
Rocco Panetta gives his opinion on the legal basis of consent, providing an overview of the main aspects that have emerged from the GDPR. (link)
GDPR, roles and functions of Data Controllers and Processors
This analysis on the point took into consideration the timespan form the Directive 95/46/CE to the Italian implementation process of the GDPR within the national existing legal framework.(Link)
GDPR: Material and Territorial scope
Who is subject to the GDPR and how the Regulation will ensure the protection of personal data? (link)
IAPP remembers Rodotà, prominent jurist and civil rights forerunner
IAPP commemorated Professor Stefano Rodotà with a long memorial on his website, expressing the mourning of all the global privacy community. In the article, the touching words of Rocco Panetta, with whom he collaborated for many years, remember the professor from both a human and an intellectual point of view (link).
LegalCommunity on P&A’s recent reopening: legal tech is growing
Online information portal on the italian legal market Legal Community published an article in its monthly magazine on the recent reopening of Panetta & Associati and its outlook in the ever-growing legal tech sector, in light of the new General Data Protection Regulation (link).