Vincenzo Tiani on Euractiv to comment on the EU-UK data adequacy decision
It was right for the Commission to give this agreement a deadline and retain the right to review it at any time.
IAPP Rome Chapter with Ignacio Gomez Navarro (EDPB)
Ignacio Gomez Navarro of the EDPB presented the additional measures to SCCs for transfers of personal data to third countries
PANETTA at AFGE Masterclass on ePrivacy
? 14 July 2021
Why states are pushing to have data saved locally
Between China’s control model and the U.S. cloud act, it’s hard today to be sure your personal data is safe in another country
Three years of GDPR, how it has changed our lives: a lot but still not enough
The impact of GDPR on companies, PAs and professionals is undeniable. The market is responding with growing enthusiasm.
Big tech, a chess game with the States: a decalogue to decipher their moves
A list of interpretative coordinates to orientate in the succession of moves and countermoves between big tech and the States
The impact of GDPR on health data: from regulatory constraint to strategic resource
What are the rules and strategies to be followed to exploit these information assets while respecting the rights and freedoms of data subjects?
Italian Supreme Court says people must know how algorithms that judge them work
Vincenzo Tiani summarises the Supreme Court ruling that recognised the need for transparency of algorithms