Written by 16:39 Events

P&A will participate to the “Going Global” conference organized by the Association of Italian CFOs (AITI)

9 November 2017 – Lorenzo Cristofaro will be speaking at the “Going Global” conference organized by the Association of Italian CFOs (AITI) (link).

P&A will be attending the conference organized by the Association of Italian CFOs (Associazione Italiana Tesorieri d’Impresa or AITI) titled Going Global: how to organized a straight-forward business treasury with a strong international outlook” of next november 9th, 2017.

The event will take place at CAME S.p.A.’s headquarters in Treviso. CAME S.p.A. is a leading automation and domotic multinational operating on a global scale.

Our Lorenzo Cristofaro will intervene with a speech focusing on “Perspective and challenges between cyber-security, data protection and technological innovation“.

It is possible to register for the event at the following link.
