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Rocco Panetta will speak at the IAPP Data Protection Congress in Brussels

? 16-17 November 2022, Brussels

Rocco Panetta, Italy’s Country Leader of IAPP, will speak at the IAPP Data protection congress in Brussels in two panels.

On 16 November, 16:30 – 17:45, at the panel: Enforcement in Europe from the Angle of National Case Law

  • Moderator: Kate Colleary, CIPP/E, CIPM, Country Leader, Ireland, IAPP; Director, Pembroke Privacy
  • Ulrich Baumgartner, CIPP/E, Regional Leader, DACH, IAPP; Partner, Baumgartner Baumann
  • Yann Padova, Country Leader, France, IAPP; Partner, Baker McKenzie
  • Rocco Panetta, CIPP/E, Country Leader, Italy; Managing Partner; Chairman, IAPP; PANETTA Law Firm; PTP Privacy Tech Professionals
  • Jeroen Terstegge, CIPP/E, CIPP/US, Country Leader, Netherlands, IAPP; Managing, Partner, Privacy Management Partners
  • Eija Warma-Lehtinen, CIPP/E, Country Leader, Nordics, IAPP; Partner, Data Protection and Privacy, Castrén & Snellman

In recent months, several court rulings have challenged enforcement decisions from Supervisory Authorities across Europe, underlining the importance of the judicial system in the European interpretation and enforcement of the GDPR. These rulings spun from questioning fine calculation in Italy to the interpretation of core GDPR concepts, such as legitimate interest in The Netherlands. During this session, the IAPP’s country leaders from Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Ireland and The Netherlands will discuss the importance of national case law on enforcement in their respective markets. They will explain differences and commonalities of national courts’ systems and approaches to privacy and data protection enforcement across countries, and their implications for pan-European enforcement.

On 17 November, 9:00 – 10:00, Rocco will moderate the panel: The AI Act: The State of the Art.

  • Moderator: Rocco Panetta, CIPP/E, Country Leader, Italy; Managing Partner; Chairman, IAPP; PANETTA Law Firm; PTP Privacy Tech Professionals
  • Brando Benifei, Member, European Parliament, AI Act Rapporteur
  • Alberto Di Felice, CIPP/E, Director for Infrastructure, Privacy & Security Policy, DIGITALEUROPE
  • Fanny Hidvègi, European Policy Manager, Advocacy Director, Access Now

What is the current status of the AI Act? What is the European Parliament’s position? Does the text guarantee the necessary space for companies to innovate while safeguarding the fundamental rights of citizens? What role will the Data Protection Authorities play? How will the role of the DPO change, if at all? We will answer these questions with representatives of European institutions, civil society and businesses.
